The Sustainability Consortium (TSC) THESIS Consulting

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What is The Sustainability Consortium (TSC)?

The Sustainability Consortium (TSC) is a global non-profit organization working to transform the consumer goods industry by partnering with leading companies to define, develop, and deliver more sustainable products. TSC creates change through the implementation of our science-based, metrics driven approach.

What is The Sustainability Insight System (THESIS)?

THESIS is the independent, science-based, holistic performance management system for companies to understand and solve the most important sustainability issues across their supply chains. THESIS, which started out as the Walmart Sustainability Index, provides a definitive way to identify social and environmental risks, unlock opportunities and showcase results. Learn more about what THESIS can do for you on TSC’s website.

Why use a TSC Trained Service Provider?

As one of only a few TSC Trained Service Providers we can support you with customized instructions on improving your THESIS performance, tailored to your businesses needs and resources. We are a partner to help you create and execute your supply chain sustainability strategy. And we provide specialized consulting on your company’s unique attributes and challenges